Paula Jager
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 15:01
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills; 2x 10 squat jumps, 10 db presses, 10 push ups, 5 scapular pull ups

Mobility:  shoulder / overhead

Skill Focus:  C2B & Strict Pull Ups
String a few together and work on efficiency

RX / scale as needed
1000 m row
45# 50 reps
30 pull ups

Partner up:  person #1 goes and their partner counts their reps and encourages them, then they switch.

Jackie time is score

Long overdue but we are proud to bring back the. . .

Athlete of the Month November 2013:  Sashy O.

Sashy walked into CF Jaguar with her boyfriend Devin after purchasing a Groupon wanting to give CF a try.  She planned on staying for a month.  Well 2 years and 4 months later Sashy is still here but several things have changed. . .

She's a lot stronger, setting PR's on a routine basis and she's a lot faster -- holding several spots on the CF Jaguar Benchmark leaderboard.  She's also participated in several CF Jag fitness challenges making nutritional and lifestyle changes along with local CF comeptitions and mutltiple 5 K's. Sashy has not only made many new friends but she is very helpful and a supportive friend to all the members.  A walking billboard, she is constantly getting the word out and encouraging new people to give it a try.

Devin is no longer her boyfriend but now her husband and what a beautiful bride she made.  Sashy we love you and proudly salute you as CF Jaguar's November AOM!
