It’s Clobberin’ Time (w/ a Friend)

Paula Jager
Saturday, June 7, 2014 - 03:50
WOD:  Bring a Friend Saturday

Groups of 3 or 4
5 x 5 min AMRAP
with 2 minutes between each

60 sledge slams (2 at a time)
60 situps

Run 200 m; (2 work, 1 rest)

100 m prowler push 180/130 (1 person at a time) push to 50m and back

60 wall balls (1 at a time)
30 hspu

Burpee Broad Jumps for max distance

Reps count as 1 round finished (WOD 1-4) + max distance on flying burpees.

[1 rep = 1 round on WOD 1, 200m = 1 rep on WOD 2, 100m = 1 rep on WOD 3, 1 round = 1 rep on WOD 4]
