A) Strength: Build to a heavy 3 deadlift
B) Metcon: EMOM 15min
Min 1 - 10 ball slams (ahap)
Min 2 - 10 mb oh lunge (alternating)
Min 3 - 30 double unders (max reps on last round)
Score: Heaviest 3 rep DL, rounds completed, plus any additional double unders on last round after prerequisite of 30 is completed.
B) Metcon: EMOM 15min
Min 1 - 10 ball slams (ahap)
Min 2 - 10 mb oh lunge (alternating)
Min 3 - 30 double unders (max reps on last round)
Score: Heaviest 3 rep DL, rounds completed, plus any additional double unders on last round after prerequisite of 30 is completed.