Five minutes at each station, two minutes rest between rounds. Partner 1 working while partner
2 holds position, then switch. If partner 2 breaks hold, partner 1 must stop working.
15 heavy tire flips and plank holds
50m Prowler pull (not drag) 2x45 for men, 2x25 for women and hollow holds
15 cal row and L-sits on dip stations
200m run and Superman holds
Post: Total rounds completed
2 holds position, then switch. If partner 2 breaks hold, partner 1 must stop working.
15 heavy tire flips and plank holds
50m Prowler pull (not drag) 2x45 for men, 2x25 for women and hollow holds
15 cal row and L-sits on dip stations
200m run and Superman holds
Post: Total rounds completed