Skill: Power Clean
2 Power Cleans* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 12 min Partner* AMRAP 1:1
10 DL 225/155
20 T2B
30 Wall Balls 20/14
*Split up reps however you like, but must complete the movement before getting started on the
next one.
T2B Knee Raises V Ups Dragon Flags (Toes to Rig)
Score: Power Clean wgt/ Partner rounds + reps (Put team name in notes)
2 Power Cleans* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 12 min Partner* AMRAP 1:1
10 DL 225/155
20 T2B
30 Wall Balls 20/14
*Split up reps however you like, but must complete the movement before getting started on the
next one.
T2B Knee Raises V Ups Dragon Flags (Toes to Rig)
Score: Power Clean wgt/ Partner rounds + reps (Put team name in notes)