Paula Jager
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 14:58
Warm up:  300 m row/run, 10 pass thrus, 10 windmills;  2x 10 s hs hold, 10 ohs w/ pvc or light bar, 10 db snatches, 5 db presses

Mobility:  Burgener warm up

Skill Focus:  Power Snatch + OHS
A few warm ups and then. . .

Spend 15 min Power Snatch + OHS working up to a challenging weight

AMRAP 5 min/1 min off, 4 on/1 off, 3 on/1 off, 2 on /1 off, 1 on/done

Level 3:  115-135#/80-95#
Level 2:  95#/65#
Level 1:  IF form is good, lighter weight, sub is bands, mod hspu w/ bands/ab mats
or strict db press for hspu

1 ohs
1 hspu
2 ohs
2 hspu
3 ohs
3 hspu

Work up to as many reps as possible each given time domain starting over at 1
rep at beginning of each interval
Post ps + ohs weight and total reps in all intervals

Last day to register for the Open!  Watch the 14.1 Open Announcement and Wod live at the CF Jag social starting at 7:30 pm!

The importance of form & technique. . .


How do you improve in Oly lifting?  Step 1 leggo the weight and focus on form and technique until you have established the basics and some competency.   Step 2 practice, practice and practice  Step 3 study videos, watch others, listen and learn to the different cues given by our coaches Step 4 practice, practice and practice
