Strength: 2 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk
E90secMOM 9 minutes total
Start at 65-70% of 1rm Push Jerk and build over the EMOM to a heavy complex.
Metcon: 12 min AMRAP
2 Muscle ups Bar/Ring*
6 Plyo-Push Ups (chest clap or pop-off)
10 Wall Balls 20/14
*sub 4 C2B/4Dips on rings/dip station/boxes, 4 pullups/4 dips rings/dip station/boxes
Keep some rings low for MU subs
Score: complex weight and rounds and reps
E90secMOM 9 minutes total
Start at 65-70% of 1rm Push Jerk and build over the EMOM to a heavy complex.
Metcon: 12 min AMRAP
2 Muscle ups Bar/Ring*
6 Plyo-Push Ups (chest clap or pop-off)
10 Wall Balls 20/14
*sub 4 C2B/4Dips on rings/dip station/boxes, 4 pullups/4 dips rings/dip station/boxes
Keep some rings low for MU subs
Score: complex weight and rounds and reps