Skill: Full Snatch
2 Full Snatches* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
10 KB HPS 53/35
8 Alt pistols
6 burpees
HPS: Scale to dumbbell/lighter weight
Pistols- With a plate under heel or with plate out front → Pistols on a band →To a box → 16 air squats
Score: Snatch weight and rounds/reps
2 Full Snatches* E90Sec for 5 rounds (Not necessary to TNG, but should not take long for reset)
Start no lighter than 65% and don’t go heavier than 85%
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
10 KB HPS 53/35
8 Alt pistols
6 burpees
HPS: Scale to dumbbell/lighter weight
Pistols- With a plate under heel or with plate out front → Pistols on a band →To a box → 16 air squats
Score: Snatch weight and rounds/reps