Paula Jager
Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 14:49
Warm up:  300 m row; 2x 10 squats, 10 spiderman lunges, 10 plated good mornings (light), 10 back ext, 8 ring rows

Skill Focus: Deadlift
Warm up to working weight

The goal is to get 50 reps or as close to as possible with good form in a short
amount of time.  Choose weight wisely

You have 20 seconds do as many reps of deadlift as you can. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat this 7 more times for a total of 8 sets. Your score is counted by total number of reps in 8 sets.

Scaling suggestions are:
225#/185#/135# for men
155#/135#/95# for women
Go with the weight appropriate for you and maintaining proper form and remember. . .
the Goal is 50+ reps

Team rope climb EMOM for 10 min.
Groups of 3
Sit out a round if you need it but keep it moving in order to allow everyone on your “team” to get up the rope.
If get behind, teammates keep going and keep count of number of rope climbs

Level 3

Level 2
Legless, leg wrap, speed rope or combo

Level 1
mod from the ground up/down or ring rows

Extra credit:  100/75/50 evil wheels for time Level 3/2/1
Post tabata wgt/# dl’s completed/# rope climbs for score/time for ec if done

