"Game Day"

Paula Jager
Sunday, September 14, 2014 - 03:09
Warm up:  400 m run; 3x 5 wall balls, 5 rev ball tosses, 5 ball slams

Teams of 3
each team will play two 12 min halves with a 5 minutes half time.

Scoring is as follows

• A touchdown is scored when a three man team completes 60 wall balls and 60 burpees. Only 2 members can be working at one time and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise. If you score a touchdown, the whole team must complete a 50 yd plate push to get the extra point.

• A field goal is scored when the three man team completes 60 KB swings 53#/35# and 60 MB slams 20#/14#. Only two members can be working at one time and you cannot have the two team members working on the same exercise.

• Huge bonus points if the entire team performs this workout wearing some sort of clothing supporting your favorite football team.  TBA at the end of the game!


Strategizing during the half


Thanks to Nick from New York for dropping in for a wod!

Extra point!