Paula Jager
Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 02:03
Warm up: 250 m row; 10 squats, 10 spiderman lunges 20 straight leg toe touches, 8 ring rows; ham/glute/hip mobility

Skill Focus:  Deadlift
Warm up and build to a. . .

Deadlift 1 RM (2-4 attempts—no dropping)
Deadlift 5RM (

3 rds, 1 min @ each station (FGB style) for max reps/cals

Level 3 (rx+)
Row for cals
Sledge slams (alt side ea slam)  1 on left  + 1 on right = 1
Ball slams 40#/30#
Pistols (alt ea leg) 1 L + 1 R = 1

Level 2 (rx)
row for cals
sledge slams
ball slams 20#/14#
pistols (w/ or w/ out toe grab)

Level 1
row for cals
sledge slams
ball slams
pistols (rings, bands, pole--choose appropriate mod)
Post dl rm and max reps + cals for score

A very, very happy 47th birthday to Judy

The box didn't win -- you did:)

Shout Outs:  some very impressive deadlifts/PR's today. . .

Did we miss yours?  Well, write it on the board or tell us about it--we're proud of you and we want everyone to know!  @Josh B:  is it really your first time deadlifting???  I know Taylar is a great coach but you pulled 530#
