10 rounds
30 seconds max double unders
30 seconds rest
EMOM 28 minutes
Min 1: 10 T2B
Min 2: 10 Goblet squats 53/35
Min 3: 10 Wall balls 20/14
Min 4: 25m plate push
-Lowest double under round
-WOD rounds completed
Ali is not sure what hit him this morning but the ramped up efforts definitely have placed him on the path to Jacked Street!
This definitely looks familiar. . .
10 rounds
30 seconds max double unders
30 seconds rest
EMOM 28 minutes
Min 1: 10 T2B
Min 2: 10 Goblet squats 53/35
Min 3: 10 Wall balls 20/14
Min 4: 25m plate push
-Lowest double under round
-WOD rounds completed
Ali is not sure what hit him this morning but the ramped up efforts definitely have placed him on the path to Jacked Street!
This definitely looks familiar. . .