E2MOM 18 minutes
2 snatches
Round 1-3 @70%
Round 4-6 @75%
Round 7-9 @80%
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes
1 snatch @body-weight
Buy out: for every missed snatch, perform 3 burpees
Snatch: decrease load in 10% increments (example: 90% of body weight, 80%, 70%, etc.)
*Only newbies may power snatch! This is a chance to get veterans accustomed to hitting moderately heavy full lifts consistently
Score: snatch weight + # of burpees
E2MOM 18 minutes
2 snatches
Round 1-3 @70%
Round 4-6 @75%
Round 7-9 @80%
Every 30 seconds for 10 minutes
1 snatch @body-weight
Buy out: for every missed snatch, perform 3 burpees
Snatch: decrease load in 10% increments (example: 90% of body weight, 80%, 70%, etc.)
*Only newbies may power snatch! This is a chance to get veterans accustomed to hitting moderately heavy full lifts consistently
Score: snatch weight + # of burpees