12 min E90secMOM
One Clean and Jerk
Start at 60% and go up according to feel
You may clean and jerk ANY way (power, full, push, split)
Deadlifts 225#/155#
Ring Dips
9 min AMRAP
Notes: sub for ring dips are stationary, stationary with bands or boxes
Score: heaviest C&J weight/WOD reps
12 min E90secMOM
One Clean and Jerk
Start at 60% and go up according to feel
You may clean and jerk ANY way (power, full, push, split)
Deadlifts 225#/155#
Ring Dips
9 min AMRAP
Notes: sub for ring dips are stationary, stationary with bands or boxes
Score: heaviest C&J weight/WOD reps