
Paula Jager
Monday, August 4, 2014 - 14:00
Warm Up:  200 m run; 2 x 10 good mornings, sdhp, db snatches, 30 s hs hold as a class

Skill Focus:  Deadlift
Warm up to working weight and. . .

10min EMOM
3 deadlift @ 75%

Power Snatch (95/65)

Score DL weight / metcon time

After Melissa had been working out at CF Jaguar for just under a month I gave her the nickname of Mighty Mite.  If anyone ever doubted the appropriateness of that moniker it was clearly seen this past weekend.  Congratulations to "Mighty Mite" (aka Melissa) on her outstanding performance in her very first powerlifting competition!  Not only did she exceed her personal expectations but she is now ranked 6th in the NATION (the entire United States of America) in the squat/deadlift and 5th in the bench for the 97# weight class.  Pretty damned impressive.  And just think, that was only her first competition. . .
