Burpees Suck

Paula Jager
Tuesday, June 17, 2014 - 15:00
Warm Up:  2 mins Dubz and then. . . 2 rds 5 pull ups, 10 banded lat walks, 515 pvc ohs

Skill Focus: OH Squat
Warm up and then. . .

2 @ 75%, 3 x 2 @85%


50 Burpees for time
Rest 3 minutes, then
15-10-5 of:
alternating pistols
hollow rocks
HR pushup

Score is total time for burpees and wod (including rest)

CrossFit Jaguar Competitor Program:  some of you may not be aware that we have a competitor program, who it is for or how to participate.  As evidenced by our recent Jaguar team performances at the Battle of the Boxes comp, many of the competitors had been following the Competition programming designed by Coach Antonio and it's working.   Here's an overview. . .



"The Crossfit Jaguar Competitors program is directed at making athletes stronger, and more skilled in the movements commonly found in local competitions. It is integrated with regular classes to preserve the community feel we all love about CrossFit.

The format is easy to follow, and the WOD is posted everyday on the whiteboard at the side door (near the old squat racks). There will be sections A, B, C, and sometimes D. You will notice there are no warm ups programmed, you may warm up with the class, or for the more advanced, warm up in the most effective way you see fit. Warm ups should be quick, and dynamic.

Section A is generally a replacement of the GPP (general physical preparedness) group skill focus. We emphasize Olympic lifting heavily, and we squat A LOT. Section B is normally the class Metcon. You will integrate back to the regular class and perform the Metcon. This keeps you together with the class, and gives you that peer motivation to push you harder. Section C is accessory, skill, or strength work. This is designed to keep you well rounded as an athlete, and maintain, sharpen, or develop proficiency in movements typically found in competition.

The program is open to everyone, but it is strongly recommended that you consult with a Coach before beginning. The program is self guided, so you should be proficient in the movements before beginning. It is usually recommended new participants begin the programming, by only following the “C” portion of the WOD.

You will notice workouts programmed for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Thursday is a scheduled rest day. Rest is essential. I carefully manage volume with this program, and participants should not do any more than what is programmed. For best results, participants should strictly follow this program, and not bounce between this and regular classes, or any other programs.

We have seen a number of PRs, and excellent showings at local competitions with this program, and it has been proven to be effective. It my absolute pleasure running the program, and if you have any questions, please contact me at pasuarez77@gmail.com, or ask me at the box.

Thank you, Antonio"
