Partner WOD
Divide reps however you want to. Each team SHOULD only have one DB and one MB – but if you
brought a friend then you might have two different ones)
40 Total DB Goblet Lunges AHAP option no weight
40 Ball Slams AHAP*catch on bounce
40 Total Russian Twists with MB AHAP
200M MB Run (Choose only one MB if using two different ones – switch off whenever)
28 min AMRAP
Divide reps however you want to. Each team SHOULD only have one DB and one MB – but if you
brought a friend then you might have two different ones)
40 Total DB Goblet Lunges AHAP option no weight
40 Ball Slams AHAP*catch on bounce
40 Total Russian Twists with MB AHAP
200M MB Run (Choose only one MB if using two different ones – switch off whenever)
28 min AMRAP