Paula Jager
Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 14:59
Warm up: 400 m run, 10 banded pass thrus; 2 x 5 mb clean pulls, 5 mb squat cleans,  5 db push press, 5 push ups

Mobility:   Front Rack, Oh and Starfish plank

Skill Focus:  Push Press
Warm up and build to a. . .

Push Press 4-6 rm 2-3 attempts(if you can get 6, do so then add weight
to the next set and see how many you can get; if you only can get 4 then
you’ve found your 4 rm, if you can get 5 but not 6 then you’ve found
your 5 rm)


Level 3
5 clean to overhead 185#/125#
400 m run

Level 2
5 clean to overhead 155#/110#
400 m run

Level 1
5 power clean to overhead
400 m run
Post pp rm and time for score

Whew!  We've been a little behind in posting so here's the latest in News & Events. . .

Happy Happy 55 th Birthday to Nat! (double nickels:)

What a ride that must have been!


And (drum roll please. . . ) the results from Saturday's 9/7 NFL Combine are in thanks to Tiffany's Excel wizardry!


#1 draft pick for the guys is Byran M!  (NFL/rx) followed by #2 Don G and  #3 Pete L also NFL/rx  @Larry G -- it's a shame you had to leave early, who knows what the placement would have been had you finished. . .

Girls #1 draft pick is Nicky W (NFL/Rx) with Jess R and Yas in 2nd and 3rd places respectively (Pop Warner division)

Great all around day/wod and there will be a repeat.

BUMMER:  after an amazing 2nd place finish in last Sat's rumor has it Kim tore her ACL mid race and still finished!!  We're hoping it's not true but that sounds in character for our tough and fierce She Beast Kim


Homework:  Watch this video -- proper form/technique will be required for tomorrow's wod
