Brand New Box (squat)

Paula Jager
Monday, July 1, 2013 - 04:34
Warm up: 500 m row; 2x--10 squats, 10 lateral lunges, 5  burpees; mob - spiderman lunges 3 ea side w/ 15 s hold

Skill/focus: Box Squat
warm up and find appropriate height

2 box squats EMOM for 10 min @ 50-75% of 1rm (we’re looking for SPEED)

3 rds for max reps@ ea station
45 s work/15 s transition w/ 1 min rest btwn

Push ups (chest to something, no knees)
power clean 135#/95#
plank hold (-10 reps if break)
box dips

Post total # reps for score

Did everyone have enough room?

First WOD at the new Box !!!!

We appreciate everyone working with us during the construction phase.  The new rigs (yes, that's plural) will be up soon!
