"Bend and Snap"

Paula Jager
Wednesday, March 2, 2016 - 06:52
Skill: 12 min EMOM (take 7-8 min to warm up to weight)

Even: Max Reps in 20 seconds - High Hang Power Clean @ 70%-78.5% of 1 RM PC

Odd: Max Reps in 20 seconds - T2B

*HHPC is from the power position. Chest does not drop. Knees are bent and go from there.

*The intention is to hit 4-7 reps in the 20 seconds of HHPC. If they get more or less of this range, they need to adjust the weight.


10 Plyo Push Ups (Chest slap or clapping)

200 m Run

20 Russian Twists 45/25

30 Mountain Climbers (sprint style - knee to chest)

12 min time cap

Mods: Regular pushups → on a box or Rogue bar

Mandatory coach-led cool-down/mobility 5-7 minutes

Score: Total HHPC reps/ Total T2B reps/ time or time plus reps as seconds

Things are getting fancy!! 5:45 class now has t-shirts thanks to JB :) #TheBreakfastClub
