Superset x3
5 bench press @68-70% of 1RM
Max Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 2 mins in between sets
10 Ring Dips
10 Renegade Rows 40-50#/30-40# (total)
1 Plate Push 45#/25# (just one direction)
10 minute AMRAP
Score: # of pull-ups & # rounds + reps
Scaling: stationary dips/box dips
Superset x3
5 bench press @68-70% of 1RM
Max Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 2 mins in between sets
10 Ring Dips
10 Renegade Rows 40-50#/30-40# (total)
1 Plate Push 45#/25# (just one direction)
10 minute AMRAP
Score: # of pull-ups & # rounds + reps
Scaling: stationary dips/box dips