August 9, 2011

Paula Jager
Tuesday, August 9, 2011 - 11:51
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Man Up

Warm up:  400 m run, 3 x 5 pull ups, 5 burpees, 10 ball slams

Skill/focus:  Tuck Jump

5 c2b pull ups
3 manmakers 35#-40#/20-25#
25 double unders (sub is tuck jumps)
AMRAP in 8 mins
rest 5 min

6 x 200 m
2 min between
Post # rds/slowest 200 for score

Cooldown:  10 min mobility work plantar fascia/calves w/ lacrosse ball




In preparing for the Tough Mudder, CrossFit, endurance events or just life in general a good portion of it should be spent barefoot.  We rx a minimalist shoe for most all activities; however the transition must be done slowly and intelligently or severe pain and injuries may occur.  Check out this excellent post on MDA on the best way to do so and some great mobility tips.