April 9, 2013

Paula Jager
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 14:50
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Warm up: 400 m run; 10 t stab push ups, 10 pass thrus, 10 alt toe touches; wrist and shoulder mobility

Skill Focus:  Press & HSPU

Find your Press 3 rm in 2 attempts or less
Then. . . partner up—to help each other as needed w/ hs's

HSPU:  3 x max strict reps (90 sec btwn)
Adv:  parallettes / strict (floor for dudes, 1 ab mat dudettes)
Int:  strict w/ bands or double abmats
Beg:  box assisted or floor—use a target for the head FORM, FORM &


10 – 1 db shoulder-to-overhead 45-50#/30-35#
1 – 10 toes-to-bar
Post 3 rm/# reps and type of mod if used/time for score.  RX is
parallettes or strict w/ floor/1 abmat


To Kip or Not to Kip

Question:  "Can I kip?"
Answer:  Not today, we are working on strict
Question:  "Why?"
Answer:  Both kipping and strict have their place.  Kipping is great for a metabolic effect.  Strict will build strength and should be worked before kipping.  Kipping requires strength and stability in the shoulder girdle.  The momentum of the kipping swing will seriously tax the muscles, joints and connective tissue especially without a base level of strength.  And the entire point of hspu/pull-ups is to build strength.  Don't put the cart before the horse.

I am not suggesting to get rid of the movement altogether.  The swing portion in a kipping pull-up is a great shoulder opener and will help improve your grip, stability and timing.  Play it smart, safe and strong by making kipping related work secondary to your strict efforts.  Here are a few truths and tips:

  • to improve pull ups and hspus, try working on them strictly at least twice a week using either a box, band assist or negatives

  • you really shouldn't kip if you don't have 3-5 strict pull ups or hspu

  • you should have rock solid kipping pull-ups before you start attempting butterly pull-ups

  • you should have good push ups before attempting ring dips

  • if you've taught yourself kipping hspu, go back and learn how to do them strict

  • to get more kipping muscle ups, work on strict muscle ups

  • work on hollow holds to get better at everything

Conversation this morning when putting score on board. . . How many did you get?  CF'r:  "2 strict", Hmmm, you used to be pretty good at those, what have you been doing? CF'r: "Kipping".  I rest my case.