April 7, 2012

Paula Jager
Saturday, April 7, 2012 - 23:49
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

In groups of 3, no more than 2 people working at a time:

Teams complete reps however they feel works best:
100 air squats
400m team run w/ #20 med ball (1 ball per team)
100 du's (tuck jumps for sub)
200 push ups
400m team run w/ #20 med ball
100 pull ups
200 swings #55/#35
400m team run w/ #20 med ball
100 box jumps 24"/20"
200 sit-ups
400m team run w/ #20 med ball
100 burpees

Find hidden eggs and check for "prizes".  You will either get to keep what is inside or perform what is inside.

Inside the eggs:
six pack of beer (grain free)
bottle of wine (sugar free)
15 burpees for each team member
50 hollow rocks for each team member

A happy, healthy and safe holiday to all!