200 m HELL

Paula Jager
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - 14:30
Warm up:  100 m shuttle run (to the gate and back); lunges w/ raises x 10, split jumps x 10, transverse lunges x 10, strt leg toe touches x 20, push ups x 10, sit ups x 10

Skill Focus: Sprinting

Partner sprints (1:1, 1 works 1 rests)
8, 200 m sprints (4 each)


Sledge slams (slam on right 1st rd, left 2nd rd etc)
pull ups
Russian twists 45#/25# (1 L + 1 R =1 rep)
oh walking lunge (use same plate)
Pillar hold (hold in plank position on forearms)  no points, if break -10 pts
4 rds, 1 min @ ea station (45 s work, 15 s to transition)
Post partner total sprint time and # total partner reps for score

Happy 24th Birthday to Dan!  Dude, you are packing on some muscle. . .


We haven't forgotten about the Suggestion Box.  It has been unlocked, peeked at and there are some excellent ones!  The Coaches and I will be going through them the next couple of weeks and discussing the best ones/ways to implement them.  Contest winners will be announced Monday July 29th!

