CFL 1/3

Paula Jager
Wednesday, January 3, 2018 - 11:53
Skill: Hollow Hold/Superman Hold Ladder
Every minute for 12 minutes
Min 1 - :10 Hollow Hold
Min 2 - :10 Superman Hold
Min 3 - :20 Hollow Hold
Min 4 - :20 Superman Hold
Etc, etc, etc
Keep increase :10 every 2 rounds. Once a round is failed. Rest the next hold and start back over
at :10 and increase like before. Everyone is done at 12 minutes
WOD: 10 min AMRAP
15 Plate Ground 2 Overhead 45/25
10 x 10m Sprints
15 Russian Twist 45/25
10 x 10m Sprints
Score is rounds complete (max 12)/rounds + reps
