Paula Jager
Monday, December 15, 2014 - 18:06
Warm-Up: Bear crawl to cone=> 20 jumping jacks => bear crawl to come => 10 sit ups => bear crawl to come => 20 vertical jumps => bear crawl to cone => 10 squats

Focus: muscle ups

6 min AMRAP 3 min rest 6mim rest
3 pull-ups
9 mountain climbers
12 squats

Game: Plank games, races, wars – Have kids pair up and face each other. They rest on their knees, while explanations are given. On, “Go,” CF kids assume a good plank position on their hands with hands directly under their shoulders. Plank Games consist of Pat-a-Cake with alternating hands, handshake with alternating hands, alternating T-planks, turning in a 360-degree circle, lowering to elbows for a hold and back up, etc. Plank Races are lateral walking planks in two lines about 15m in length in a race format. Organize kids so that their heads are facing each other. For Plank Wars, on “Go,” kids try to push or pull each other over, either with same side palm, cross-hand palm, same-side elbow hold, cross-hand elbow hold, handshake and pull, one leg off the ground, etc.

Double trouble? ;)