"School is in!"

Paula Jager
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 - 13:00
Warm Up:  15 yd Handstand walk/attempt => U-pattern bear crawl  around cones=> f10 one-legged side-to-side hops, each leg => 10 walking lunges => 50-yd high knees => 50-yd carioca

Skill: power cleans


8:00 AMRAP
4 burpees => 200m run
6 burpees => 200m run
8 burpees => 200m run
etc. until time is called

Buy Out:

3 times of
10 overhead walking lunges w/PVC
10 sit-ups


Now that the kids are back to school, we need to make sure they get some activity in! Starting Monday, September 8th, there will be 4:30 classes available! See you there :)

