Comp 5/25-5/30

Paula Jager
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 - 11:46

Those not doing WOD JAMz: take an extra rest day this week and follow class programming! You have been going hard these last few weeks. Take it down a notch.

WOD Jamz competitors: If you MUST do the metcons this week, go lighter, less rounds or at a slower speed.

Recommended: Some light team practice, and hitting a piece from below each day, with the addition of getting a few reps of OHS from the ground in around 85% of what you hope to hit competition day. Do the strength, and skill, then call it a day. Stop all work Wed or Thurs. Rest, Stretch, Focus.



Pick one of the following per day:

Snatch; warm up, then 3 sets of 1 @ 85%

Back squat; warm up, then 3 sets of 5 at 70%

Clean and jerk; warm up then 3 sets of 1 @ 80%

Front Squat; warm up, then 3 sets of 2 @ 75%

Deadlift; warm up then build to 90% of 1rm, then one drop set of 5 reps at 75%


Pick one of the following per day:

40' of HS walking

30 toes to bar

25 pull ups

2min plank

easy 1k row (4+ min pace)

squat mobility work