A) Snatch: E2mom x 12 min (6rds); 3 reps @ 70 to 75% of 1rm
The focus on these is moving quickly. Turn over fast, and pull yourself under the bar.
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata 4min (8rds) alternating rounds: pistols / candlestick to tuck jump
D) Tabata 4min (8rds) alternating rounds: hollow rocks / medball get ups (you choose weight)
The focus on these is moving quickly. Turn over fast, and pull yourself under the bar.
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata 4min (8rds) alternating rounds: pistols / candlestick to tuck jump
D) Tabata 4min (8rds) alternating rounds: hollow rocks / medball get ups (you choose weight)