Roy K.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 12:15
I was tired of working out along and losing motivation to stay with it. I had been reading about the CrossFit community and decided to give it a try. I was staring at the reality of being in a purple and yellow gym environment at New Year's resolution time and couldn't handle seeing that environment or alarm sirens again!

I was thrilled at how welcoming everyone was! However, I was fearful that it was going to be an all-in or out situation. I was concerned that some of my physical limitations would ruin my CF experience. However, the coaches always had a scaled version of something I could do and everyone else offered encouragement. So, I became comfortable with the process pretty fast. Although, I still can't do some things too well, I am trying to improve in ways that work for me.

Since I never really had done anything with Olympic-style lifting, I was happy to get a 225 lb deadlift a few times not long after learning the techniques. Starting to move more weight than ever made me optimistic that I can train even with some permanent injuries. I have been able to improve with heavier weights and feel confident that there are more positives on the horizon.

I am currently at 900 lbs for my combined deadlift, back squat and bench press. My goal is to get up to 1000. Never thought it could be possible, but now I see it is a reality this year. There will be a sigh of relief on the day that I get my first double under (although that may be years away LOL!).

The Christmas Party 2015. It was only a few weeks after I joined. It was a fun event and the after party getting to know everyone on a more personal level. It solidified some really great new friendships. Being comfortable with my workout groups motivates me to participate more. It has become fun being in this environment and I am excited to continue improving.