At first we didn't know what to expect, we were very hesitant (since we have not done anything like that before... I mean high intensity workouts and weightlifting) but thankfully we started our classes with all the basic fundamental knowledge needed to begin our process. That was very important because as a beginner you can be so rusty that you might forget how to run! J/K. Definitely our coaches Justin and Kim have been present along the way, supporting, educating and educating us but most importantly making us believe that we can do it!!
Achievement...let me think, no doubt about it, I believe is being persistent and positive, training four days a week for several months now is something that I wasn't looking forward to, but now is part of us, it's a lifestyle!!! I think that's the most important achievement. Well there is no need to mention that obviously I have been able to run faster, longer and feeling stronger. Even though sometimes if not all the time I feel like I'm dying. Although I might feel exhausted after the workout, my mind feels extremely satisfied to see that I accomplished another WOD.
I'm working on my technique and my inner self that sometimes wants to give up, but also I'm doing a serious effort to improve my overall performance. With that I'm sure someday in the near future I can move to the CrossFit classes and have better results.
My favorite memory... I'm sure it was within my first month of being part of CrossFit jaguar that I had to deal with one of the toughest WOD's at that time of course. I still remember...500 meter row to warm up, then a long WOD that included weighted walking lunges, snatches, weighted box step ups, running and push ups!!! Everybody finished before me, I felt like I was not going to make it but thanks to all the support not only from Justin and Kim but also from all the fellas who stayed besides me the whole time telling me that I could do it. It took me a long time and I didn't know how I managed to do my 50 push ups at the end but I did it and the feeling was awesome, obviously I wanted to die again!!!