During On Ramp, I realized how out of shape I really was. Running 400 meters left me out of breath and raising a 15 lb bar over my head killed me! I was scared seeing the regular class working out... Climbing ropes, Handstand Pushups, lifting heavy weights... It was intimidating and I was doubting myself... I wondered, " Is this really for me??? No way will I ever be able to do any of this! I'm old and with 4 kids!" All I can say is I was dead WRONG! The people were encouraging and I slowly realized that everyone starts somewhere. And now, I'm the one doing all that stuff and it feels great!
My REAL achievement was actually sticking to Crossfit and coming in every morning and putting in the work. I have never stuck to an exercise program as long as I have with Crossfit. Along with all of that, came my first double under and my first rope climb! I am really working on pull-ups.... Those pesky things!!! I WILL get one someday!
My favorite memory is my first competition. My whole family came to support me. I proved to myself that I could do things I'd never imagined! Their support along with all the friends I have made at Jag out there cheering made it all worth it! But then again, everyday is a great memory with these people... It's like family!