My first impression was the first night of on-ramp. I showed up about 30 minutes early to do some scouting on the evening class activities. The metcon had just started, and it was a circuit of flying burpees, power cleans, and muscle ups. I was amazed at the athleticism and immediately wondered if I would ever be able to keep up! While I still can't do a muscle up, I can hold my own with most metcons and I'll get there someday soon.
My first real achievement was a 50# PR on deadlift about 6 weeks in. Taylar Stallings challenged me to do it, and who would want to let Taylar down? I'm focusing on building strength leading up to the LBN challenge that starts in mid-January 2016. I knew I was hooked at the 2014 Battle of the Boxes. I was so proud to be a part of such a great group of people that were so supportive to the competitors.