Charlie F.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 11:00
I saw an ad on Groupon and figured why not give it a try. I was very bored with doing curls at you fit and needed a change. My first impression was "Good Lord every single girl in here can squat more than me". Didn't know if CrossFit was going to be something I would enjoy or not. After being at the gym for over a year I can't picture myself doing anything but CrossFit for the rest of my life.  My first real achievement was getting a bar muscle up. Knowing that it's one of the most difficult movements made it that much better when I actually got one.  I'm now working on getting my end of the year goal, which is to get a total of 1000 lbs between deadlift, squat, and bench press.
Also I've been working on triple unders for fun but mainly just working on getting stronger.  My favorite memory at Jaguar so far has to be the Jaguar Games I did in 2015. It was a great first competition for me and also got to do it with my girlfriend which made it that much better.