Partner WOD!
Bean bag shuttle runs @1:1
Rest 2 minutes
10 Russian swings 70/53
10 weighted sit-ups 20-25/10-15 (weight held behind the head)
P1 does swings, P2 does swings, P1 does sit-ups while P2 holds his feet, P2 does sit-ups while P1 holds his feet. That is one round
AMRAP in 10 min
Rest 3 min
6000 m AAB (switch every 750 m) or 2K row for time (switch every 250 m)
Score: best shuttle, # of rounds, and 2K time
Bean bag shuttle runs @1:1
Rest 2 minutes
10 Russian swings 70/53
10 weighted sit-ups 20-25/10-15 (weight held behind the head)
P1 does swings, P2 does swings, P1 does sit-ups while P2 holds his feet, P2 does sit-ups while P1 holds his feet. That is one round
AMRAP in 10 min
Rest 3 min
6000 m AAB (switch every 750 m) or 2K row for time (switch every 250 m)
Score: best shuttle, # of rounds, and 2K time