E3MOM for 12 min
Bench Press 4x6*
*1st set normal @82-84%, lower the weight but increase from last week and all other sets 3 sec lowering phase
Rest 2 mins
E2:15 for 9 min
Dumbbell Row 4x6 ea side*
*1st set normal up in weight from last time, then lower the weight and all other sets 3 sec lowering phase
AMRAP in 12 min
Run 200 m
5 full cleans RX 185/125 RX+205/145 (Scaling options: 155/105, 135/95 etc.)
E3MOM for 12 min
Bench Press 4x6*
*1st set normal @82-84%, lower the weight but increase from last week and all other sets 3 sec lowering phase
Rest 2 mins
E2:15 for 9 min
Dumbbell Row 4x6 ea side*
*1st set normal up in weight from last time, then lower the weight and all other sets 3 sec lowering phase
AMRAP in 12 min
Run 200 m
5 full cleans RX 185/125 RX+205/145 (Scaling options: 155/105, 135/95 etc.)