GPP 9/21

Paula Jager
Saturday, September 21, 2019 - 17:00
WOD - Teams of 2

Teams of 2

Split 400m run (I go, you go)
Split 30 American Kettlebell Swings (44/25)
Split 200m Farmer Carry - 2 Kettlebells (44/25)
Split 200m Waiters Walk - 1 Kettlebell, walk together (44/25)
Split 30 Box Step Ups with 1 Kettlebell (44/25)
Split 200m run (I go, you go)
Split 100m Walking Lunges with 1 Kettlebell (44/25)
Split 200m Sprint (I go, you go)
Split 100m Walking Lunges (body weight)
Split 20 Burpees
200m Run Together