Labor Day Team WOD
Teams of 3 - Max Calories on Bike/Rower
100m Relay Run
20 Medicine Ball Sit Ups to Wall each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Burpees each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Ground to Overhead with Plate each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
50 Double Unders each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Ground to Overhead with Plate each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Burpees each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Medicine Ball Sit Ups to Wall each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
100m Run together
Teams of 3 - Max Calories on Bike/Rower
100m Relay Run
20 Medicine Ball Sit Ups to Wall each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Burpees each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Ground to Overhead with Plate each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
50 Double Unders each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Ground to Overhead with Plate each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Burpees each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
20 Medicine Ball Sit Ups to Wall each (2 work, 1 bike/row)
100m Run together