2:00 work/1:00 rest X 6 sets
*Choose weights that allow you to go Unbroken with good technique each set
For Time
50 Hollow Rocks
2:00 Plank
50 Hollow Rocks
2:00 work/1:00 rest X 6 sets
- Sets 1 and 4: 6 Touch & Go unbroken Power Snatch, AMRAP Row/Bike Cals in remaining time
- Sets 2 and 5: 9 Touch & Go unbroken Power Clean, AMRAP Row/Bike Cals
- Sets 3 and 6: 12 Touch & Go unbroken Dead Lift, AMRAP Row/Bike Cals
*Choose weights that allow you to go Unbroken with good technique each set
For Time
50 Hollow Rocks
2:00 Plank
50 Hollow Rocks