Athlete of The Month - Carmen Mann

Paula Jager
Thursday, October 31, 2019 - 17:15
Athlete of the Month

Carmen Mann


STRENGTH (noun): 1. The quality or state of being physically strong. 2. The capacity to withstand great force or pressure. 3. A good or beneficial quality or attribute of a person.

All of the describes our athlete of the month, Carmen Mann. Having withstood great hardship this year, Carmen has leaned into her training with us at CrossFit Jaguar to combat her grief. Carmen's continued resilience and dedication towards her physical and emotional health is the example of the many reasons to get IN to the gym instead of staying out. There are days she has to dig deep, but she doesn't mind. Her body, mind and soul are producing all kinds of gains! We know you still have some hard days, Carmen. Always know that you are loved and admired here in our supportive community! -Coach Eberle