Athletes of the Month September 2015: Alex C. and Janet C.

Paula Jager
Monday, September 14, 2015 - 10:21

Over 3 ½ years ago Alex walked into CF Jaguar. He was looking for something a little different to mix up his current workout routine. He was new to CrossFit and unsure of what to expect.

What I don’t think he expected was the emphasis on what he would call “cardio” aka cardio respiratory endurance. Alex was used to lifting weights. It didn’t take long for that to change and for him to make large improvements in many areas.

Strong from the beginning, Alex became much stronger. His endurance and stamina improved, gymnastics skills took off, with time and consistent efforts he learned Oly lifts and continues to PR. Alex quickly threw his hat into the competitive CF ring and again excelled. As he is not one to miss any pieces of the puzzle, he also dialed in his nutrition and placed in a box challenge where he lost body fat and gained muscle—an often challenging task simultaneously.

Alex continues to improve by regularly participating in his new love of Oly lifting and the Barbell Club. Staying late and coming early, he does the work and puts in the extra efforts required. And at the same time he is supporting, helping and encouraging other members!

Janet is a coach at CF Jaguar, but it wasn’t always that way.  I met Janet waaaay back in 2006 just before her 2nd child was born and we immediately clicked.  A few years later Janet came to me as a client wanting help with preparation for an upcoming physique show.  "What are you doing in preparation?", I asked her.  “Spinning, lots of cardio and a little light weight circuit training.”  Well, we’re going to change that.  We’re going to cut back on your cardio, lift heavy and the rest will be nutrition based.

“Cut back on my cardio? I can’t lift heavy.  I have bad knees.”  She placed herself 100% in my care. With her discipline and dedication, she rocked the competition and that experience forever changed the way she viewed fitness and trained clients.

Janet became a Level 1 certified coach at our box and continued to compete in many avenues.  Janet is an outstanding athlete in whatever she chooses be it a triathlon, CF comp, track and field or even a physique event.  What’s amazing to watch is her game day mentality.  She turns it on 110% and always performs well no matter what obstacles or challenges have been handed to her on any given day. Even when she is not competing, Janet is at events to give her support.

As a coach she is top notch giving much of herself to help other members excel at their goals and always supportive of others.  And btw the knees are fine—she’s still a track star at 40!

CF Jaguar proudly salutes Janet and Alex as September’s Athletes of the Month!